
Deeper meaning
Deeper meaning

deeper meaning

Red’s name is a nod to a fictional secret society that Peele has acknowledged as being responsible for the horrors in both “Us” and his 2017 film “Get Out.” Red, Adelade’s tethered, is also a clue, but not because of her name’s color-theory meaning.

deeper meaning

Deeper meaning movie#

However, by the end of the movie she is revealed as being anything but. This is interesting because Adelade was originally presented to the audience as being noble natured. However, the biggest hint to the meaning is in Adelade’s name, derived from a German name meaning noble natured.

deeper meaning

This is the alternate name of Hades, god of the underworld, which makes sense because the tethered are kept underground. Similarly, Jason’s tethered is named Pluto. Zora’s tethered doppelganger as “Umbrae,” meaning shadow, which is fitting since the tethered are the literal human shadows of their above-ground hosts. IMDB shows that every single tethered character has a name. Peele’s attention to detail is present even in the names he gave the characters. This latest cinematic nightmare is an overthinker’s paradise, and every detail points to the film’s more sinister meaning. The movie has been out for almost three weeks and people are still spotting new symbols, making new connections and debating the movie’s cryptic message. Jordan Peele’s new film “Us” has solidified him as a master of detail.

Deeper meaning